
Tips for contacting us: Our technicians here at SIX Payment Services are glad to assist you with any kind of technical problems. To make this process even faster, here are a few point you should consider when contacting us.

  • 1. Do not forget to send us your CustomerId and/or TerminalId. It makes it easier to find your account in our system.
  • 2. Please tell us, if you are using the test or live system.
  • 3. Our servers log your API calls. Those logs make it easier for us to understand what exactly you are trying to achieve and can help to easily identify your problem. Please note however, that the logfiles are only saved for 14 days.
  • 4. If available, tell us the transaction id of the transaction you had problems with. This way we can find it instantly.
  • 5. If you don't have an id, then give us a timestamp, so we can pinpoint the timeframe, where you had your problem.

Make sure that you NEVER accidently submit your real card details via e-mail, neither by text nor screen shot, when contacting us! If the mail is intercepted, or your mail service provder is hacked, then your card details will be leaked to the public. You can submit the last four numbers of your PAN however, which, in most cases, is sufficient to identify the transaction.

Saferpay Integration Team

Do you have any questions regarding this document? Are you experiencing problems with the Saferpay integration? If so, the Saferpay integration team will be happy to assist you:

Saferpay Switzerland

SIX Payment Services AG
Hardturmstrasse 201
8021 Zürich
+41 848 66 44 44

Saferpay Europe

SIX Payment Services (Germany) GmbH
Langenhorner Chaussee 92-94
22415 Hamburg
+49 40 325 967- 280

Saferpay Support Team

Do you have any questions regarding error messages or are you having problems with your day-to-day operations? If so, our support team will be happy to assist you:

Saferpay Switzerland

SIX Payment Services AG
Hardturmstrasse 201
8021 Zürich
+41 848 66 44 44

Saferpay Europe

SIX Payment Services (Germany) GmbH
Langenhorner Chaussee 92-94
22415 Hamburg
+49 40 325 967- 250

Saferpay Activation Team

Do you need new payment methods to be activated on your live account? Please contact our activation team:

Note: For matters regarding a test account, please contact the integration team (see above).



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